Behind The Lens
Hi, I'm Kelly. Owner and photographer at Time In A Bottle Photography.
Mum. Wife. Creative. Small business owner. Homemaker. Curator of memories and magic!
I know first hand how quickly time passes us by - the milestones come and go, and before you know it, the things that felt all consuming at the time slip into the background and become another fading memory - sands through the hourglass.
Before launching Time In A Bottle Photography I was a teacher. I have worked with children my whole life in both the primary and early childhood sectors, in NZ and Australia. All of these years of experience and the skills that I have picked up along the way have been the perfect foundation for family photography, enabling me to build trust with families fast and get the best out of their children. I have certainly learnt to expect the unexpected! Rest assured that kids being kids doesn't phase me at all!
I don't know about you but, as a Mum, I don't want to forget. I want to celebrate each change my family goes through and preserve the essence of who we are and what we value at each stage of our journey. Life isn't perfect. It's messy and chaotic and beautiful and ever changing - and that's okay! That's where Time In A Bottle Photography was born from - the desire to capture and celebrate the here and now exactly as it is!
As the years have rolled around I have found myself hanging on even more tightly to the milestones and changes our family has been through. We have made the most of our time as a couple, then fur parents, newlyweds, first home owners, new parents, and now it is hard to remember a time when it was anything but the three of us. The challenges as well as the room in our hearts for love and joy just keep growing! We have lost loved ones too, including beloved pets. The reality is; change is coming, whether you're ready for it or not.
One thing I do know for sure is that on the hard days, nothing lifts me up like the unconditional love of my family. Even if no one else is home yet, their love and connection is right there on my walls the second I walk in the door to remind me that I'm home where I belong and I am loved and accepted just the way I am.
I want that for you and your family too! Let me guide you through the process and take the hassle out of capturing the best of you today, forever.
Let's get your love up there on your walls! Big. Beautiful. Boutique. I'd love the opportunity to show you how.
Are you a charity or business owner looking to partner up?
Don't hesitate to get in contact.
Let's chat and see how we can meet our goals together!